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Yes! I want to claim my FREE Gift for just the cost of $9.95 in shipping & handling, Plus my my Lifetime Guaranteed 53% Membership Discount to become a member of the National Self-Reliance Initiative for just $57.00/mo (Normally $119 a month) after my FREE 14 DAY TRIAL. Get access to dozens of Courses, Tools and Experts aimed at making you self-reliant. I know I can cancel my National Self-Reliance Initiative membership at any time!
Machetes are known to many as the deadliest blades man has ever made.
Along with being extremely useful for everyday tasks..
This thing is a not so discrete warning signal to a potential threat.
Imagine the look on an intruders face when they see this patriotic beast of a blade.
Take a look at the pictures on this page..
Would you mess with someone carrying that sword thing?
I sure as hell wouldn’t.
This blade is deadly, but get it quick or you will miss out!
And boy.. let me tell you, you won’t be disappointed once you have it in your hands.
I mean hell, it’s free.. what’s there to lose?
Understandably, the questions I always get; Are you CRAZY? How? What’s the Catch? Why?
I have heard it all.
The answer is simple though.
I am doing this to Bribe You.
I need you to get access to our team of experts in Self-Reliance so that I can be certain you are prepared for all the situations that modern day life may bring your way.
The training that is provided below, as part of your 14 Day Trial to the National Self-Reliance Initiative.
Yes! I want to claim my FREE Gift for just the cost of $9.95 in shipping & handling, Plus my my Lifetime Guaranteed 53% Membership Discount to become a member of the National Self-Reliance Initiative for just $57.00/mo (Normally $119 a month) after my FREE 14 DAY TRIAL. Get access to dozens of Courses, Tools and Experts aimed at making you self-reliant. I know I can cancel my National Self-Reliance Initiative membership at any time!
“You’re not Rambo. You have no idea who you are in a gun fight until you have been in one.” Ken shares so much knowledge in this course, that I can’t believe we have the privilege of sharing it outside his private 1-on-1 classes. As he shares in the training, a “wrong decision executed early and aggressively, is better than the perfect plan too late”. Want his other 5 Keys to Survival - be sure to check out this FREE course.
If you’re like me and have children in your home, there is truly nothing more alarming than a startling sound in the middle of the night. Adam spends time teaching how to quickly and quietly navigate through a dark house during an invasion, getting to the safest spot in your house and most importantly hiding your kids.
Have the perfect Grip? Stance? Trigger hold? Do you have the best firearm for your needs? Learn the truth about having a gun. What to say to the Police and more importantly what NOT TO SAY. Breakdown of different types of ammunition - it is all here yours for FREE! Sure you could go learn this stuff from your local “Average Joe”, but why when you can learn LIKE our Average Joe from a Retired Green Beret. A guy that has actually ridden into battle on horseback, hunted the streets of Baghdad in soft skins, and had his ticket on the I.E.D. Roller Coaster a time or 3. So why would you learn from anyone else?
YOURS FREE a step-by-step plan covering all aspects of your family's safety and communication when disaster strikes.
Home Intruder - What are the steps that you will take to secure your children, to ensure your safety and ultimately live to talk about it.
Natural Disaster - Each action you take can be the difference between life and death here. Take each action with certainty and confidence.
Terrorism - Should your town find itself forced into an act of terror, be it domestic or foreign, you preparedness will be a guide to your family not only in the moment, but in the wake of it.
This guide allows you to plot out, communicate and practice your new plan. Every member of your family will thank you for the peace of mind this provides them.
Whether it is your health, your finances, or your use of a firearm.. watching will only get you so far. You have to engage, practice, and train to be the best possible version of yourself. That is why I have to give you this Checklist for the ONLY 4 DRILLS this Green Beret uses to guarantee his accuracy every time he reaches for his firearm. Within this course are Step-by-Step instructions, that should you decide to follow over the next 30 days will improve your aim up to 5x your current state! Don’t believe me? Don’t worry. It is FREE! If this doesn’t work for you, just call me and I’ll give you all your money back.
It could be a flat tire, a natural disaster that separates you from society for a time, you could get lost camping with your children - no matter the situation would you know exactly how to get enough calories to survive? This tool makes sure that you understand what and how to eat should you find yourself in the worst of situations. This FREE Plan should always be in your Go Bag and your Camping Gear!
Honestly, all of it is FREE! Just take my bribe and cover the Shipping and Handling. If you don’t want it – just call me and I will give you your money back. 100% Guaranteed – 60 Days Money Back Guaranteed.
In today’s world we are the most connected that we have ever been, technology has allowed for barriers to communication to be torn down. This has created unbelievable opportunities to connect with your kids, or even grandkids, it has also opened the floodgates to all other forms of connections being made around the world, plotting against our FREEDOM.
Your preparedness, your self-reliance in a modern world, may just be the difference leading to survival should you find yourself on the wrong end of someone else’s bad decision.
Nowadays, identity and credit card fraud is becoming more and more popular, which can be a lingering issue for a very long time. You’ve worked hard for your money, so we’ve partnered with Privacy Patrol to give you a FREE membership. This membership will protect you from many different shady tactics hackers may use to financially harm you. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re protected at ALL times.
The internet allows for your information to flow freely in a way that our parents and their parents generations never experienced. Every day some company has been “hacked” or “breached” as they term it. We trust these people with our personal, financial and medical data yet this is happening EVERYWHERE. Privacy Patrol monitors the places we can’t – all over the internet. So yes – one final – GIFT. To make sure you are in a more prepared place tomorrow than you are today. Just take my Bribe and make sure to activate your membership with these guys today, just contact our support and say you want to get started!
Like I said we are going to give you all of this for just the cost of my Shipping and Handling today. INCLUDING the 14 Day Trial to National Self-Reliance Initiative which contains dozens of courses, tools and trainings; a FREE membership to Privacy Patrol; access to our resident experts when your training leaves you with additional questions and so much more! At the end of the 14 Day Trial you will pay $57/month for as long as you choose to maintain your access to our growing list of experts, courses and modern day self-reliance tools.
Yes! I want to claim my FREE Gift for just the cost of $9.95 in shipping & handling, Plus my my Lifetime Guaranteed 53% Membership Discount to become a member of the National Self-Reliance Initiative for just $57.00/mo (Normally $119 a month) after my FREE 14 DAY TRIAL. Get access to dozens of Courses, Tools and Experts aimed at making you self-reliant. I know I can cancel my National Self-Reliance Initiative membership at any time!