Never Held the Brushed Steel of a Real, Quality Folding Knife? Don’t Hesitate on This:

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If you’ll let me, I’d like to send you this top-shelf, RAZOR-sharp, easily concealable Smith & Wesson Special Tactical knife – but I want you to have it…
100% FREE
I have one with your name on it here in our Ohio office, and I’ll tell you – this thing is a little masterpiece. It’s created by Smith & Wesson one of the oldest makers of firearms handheld knives in the country. These guys have collaborated with self defense experts all over the world for over 160 years, and to this day they are respected as world class.

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The beautiful black steel look and feel of the outside of this knife is tapered by the sleek, 3.5 inch blade, which comes sharp right out of the box, and is tough enough to pierce, or slice.
With convenient and comfortable grips, it’s much less likely to slip out of your hands, and the best news is that this thing can be hidden or tucked into any pocket (or even hung on a keychain or paracord).
The loophole near the base of the blade makes it easy to flick open to quickly SNAP and lock the blade in place when you need it, and it makes for a nice thumb-groove for holding, too.
This is top quality stuff, and it’s just the kind of “everyday carry” knife that won’t scare people who see it folded up, but it’s ready to rock and roll when you need it. It’s not going to hack through wood or cut metal, but it can make quick work of cloth, cord, or other materials, and if you needed it to – flesh.
Compact, clean, stainless steel, and quick use make this baby a keeper, but it’s all the better because…

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You’re Getting This Knife for FREE.
Why am I sending you this convenient, useful, swiss-army-sharp Smith & Wesson blade for free?
I’ll be frank with you, it’s a bribe.
I will send this to you for free – yours to keep, no matter what – just to get you to know the self defense secrets and top practical advice from real-deal weapons and self defense experts – and to get you full-blown access to the only close combat and grappling course in the world built as a fool-proof CURRICULUM for self protection against someone bigger and stronger.
You even get access to all of THAT for free, if you choose. It’s a no risk, no obligation, and no “hidden strings” deal for you, and if you’re watching this video now, it may be the last time you see this amazing Smith & Wesson Special Tactical knife Giveaway again.
The curriculum that you’re about to access is called the “SoS Academy,” and it is a completely new way to learn self defense with weapons, firearms and the deadly art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.It’s been systematically designed so that you can be ready for any attacker in any situation (no matter your size, experience or age). The techniques in this system have taught thousands of “hands on” martial artists who know damn well that…
No Serious Fighter is “Combat Ready”
Unless You Know How to Beat
Someone BIGGER Than You
One of the main instructors, Coach Daniel, earned his huge respect as an instructor and as one of the new competitors in the northeast to grapple in “Open” weight-class tournaments, despite being 128 pounds soaking wet.
This guy is small, and he’ll tell you himself, he’s got back problems and persistent pains that have kept him from being able to rely on athleticism or speed alone. When he moved from winning national tournaments, choking the hell out of bigger opponents with ease, and teaching underground seminars to excited groups of police officers, MMA fighters, and martial artists, he took the small step of sharing some of his techniques online.
Things went haywire, and within 1 year Daniel had 20,000 online subscribers and Jiu Jitsu students from practically every corner of the inhabitable globe, as he taught the insider secrets and top techniques of the “Whos Who” of Jiu Jitsu giant killer fighters, breaking down the escapes and devastating, LIGHTS-OUT chokes and effortless joint locks to leave a bigger guy face down on the concrete – even if you’re a total pip-squeak compared to your opponent.
It’s no joke that the self defense world has also wanted to know what Dan could show them, and how a “regular” guy could make easy work of bigger opponents – and get out of bad positions face… and after enough pressure, Dan’s finally composed a powerful SYSTEM for building ground-fighting skills, fast, you’ll see quickly why these specific tricks are ESSENTIAL to winning a real fight:
The curriculum that you’re about to access is called the “SoS Academy,” and it’s a completely new way to learn practical self-defense for today’s mean streets. Whether it’s hand-to-hand combat, knife fighting or concealed carry, the top-notch expert video instruction inside of the Self-Reliance Academy will teach you the tips, tricks and secrets to protect yourself and your loved ones on today’s means streets.

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Inside, you’ll discover:
- Pistol Accuracy: Expert marksman Branden Langely reveals his best tips, tricks and techniques to boost your accuracy, speed and effectiveness using exciting drills you can do at home or on the range.
- Concealed Carry: Watch closely, as professional private bodyguard and all around badass, David Trimble, shows the newest gear & equipment for discrete, concealed carry along with his best techniques for rapid draw and how to safely fire in a populated area.
- Exclusive Deals: When you invest today, you’ll gain access to exclusive deals that are NOT available anywhere else. Every month, we’ll give you a $20 coupon in your account that is yours to spend on anything in our entire store!
- Knife Fighting & Defense: Knife fighting is a messy business but being unprepared against an armed attacker is downright idiotic. Watch as world renowned expert, Jerry Wentzel walks you through, step by step, exactly how to carry, defend and attack using a knife or bladed weapon. Whether you’re a brand new beginner or a seasoned veteran and know your way around a knife, the skills & techniques that Jerry reveals are mind- blowingly effective and useful in today’s violent world.
- Hand-to-Hand Combat & Ground Fighting: Discover the most powerful chokes, submissions & joint locks that exist on planet earth today. Watch as our team of black belt experts show you their favorite moves for destroying bigger, tougher opponents from every angle and position imaginable. Filmed in an easy-to-follow manner, even brand new beginners will gain an understanding of how to defend, attack and survive any street fight with little to no blood or mess.
- And Much Much More…
Save $180.90 & Get All of this FREE!
Just cover the low cost of shipping & handling