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COVID-19 isn't coming. It's already back.

Prep For The Future With A "Bunker Bucket"!

Includes 100 Servings Worth Of Our Best Selling Food at $1.49!

If you haven’t been keeping up with the news, you might want to turn the television on for just a second.

Now that the media has decided to start reporting on our old friend COVID-19 again, it turns out that…wait for it…IT NEVER WENT ANYWHERE!

It’s been running rampant this whole time. Cases are reaching record highs and we are beginning to take steps backward.

Arizona ignored the mask guidelines during the entire first wave and are now the LEADING state in new cases.

Texas has ordered their bars to close AGAIN, and has had to limit restaurant occupancy AGAIN.

Goodbye economy! It’s been nice knowing you!

Florida has also finally jumped on board and is SCRAMBLING to make the correct decisions to prevent the spread.

But let’s be honest with one another, it’s FAR, FAR too late for any of that.

The second wave is no longer coming, it’s already here.

Time to prepare for the second total shutdown.


There is nothing we can do now except ride it out and hope for the best.

We’ve made a huge mistake as a country and now it’s time to deal with the mess we’ve created.

It’s only a matter of time before all the states begin to regress back to the “shelter in place” version of themselves.

Grocery stores will be overrun once again, shelves will be picked barren, the return of limits on meat, water and cleaning products

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to deal with all that EVER again.

The U.S. Supply Chain is FAILING Under This Pressure

I have some close friends in the supply chain industry, and they have revealed numerous disruptions that are about to impact the United States food supply HEAVILY.

You can expect a major shortage of beef products in the near future…

I stay prepared so I don’t have to get prepared when all the “non-mask wearers” finally decide that “hey, maybe I should have worn that thing!”

It took a lot of work, but we have an “IN” at Valley Food Storage. Allowing us to create a very small batch of these, despite their overwhelming amount of orders that pour in daily.

We worked to create an all-in-one kit that I have sworn by for years, whether it’s a lockdown or deciding to get the hell out of dodge – This will be by my side.

I call it the “Bunker Bucket”, it’s 100 servings of long term emergency food.


All of this packed in a 5 gallon bucket – which can hold enough water to rehydrate ALL 100 servings! It’s an all-in-one package.

I was able to get a few up for sale, as the failing supply chain system and Valley Food Storage’s limited stock put the brakes on my original release date.

So, today only, I’m offering my one of a kind “Bunker Buckets” for 30% off the original price.

Yes, 100 servings of foods at $1.49 a piece. You can’t get that anywhere else. Mark my words.

I hope this finds you well and this can help you stay safe in such an uncertain environment.

And if no one has told you yet, Good luck out there.

Get all 100 servings for only $1.49 a serving! Click below to check availability and claim your free shipping! This offer will not be around for long! 

I Know What You're Thinking...

“Food that tastes good can’t possibly last up to 25 years!”

Well, thousands of customer reviews prove that it truly does taste delicious AND lasts for 25+ years!


These best selling Items:

But, What Are You Getting?

This Best Selling Bundle Includes: 4 Breakfast, 5 Entrée, and 4 Vegetable/Fruit and/or Dairy product!

Both FEMA and The American Red Cross recommend storing at least 3 days worth of non-perishable food for every member of the household [1] – You’re getting 100 servings worth!

All Shipped Free From The Heart Of The USA!


4 Bags

It’s been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Get up, fuel up and get after it.

Deluxe Entrees

5 Bags

Our deluxe entrees check all the boxes. They taste great, fill you up and provide all the nutrition that you and your family need to keep you moving and on the go.


4 Bags

The ultimate side dishes. To be perfectly honest, you can eat the fruit without rehydrating! It resembles a delicious, natural candy. Great for snacking on the go!

Hearty Food Made By Preppers For Preppers

Valley Food Storage uses the same material astronauts keep their food in when traveling to space! The strong mylar bags keeps temperatures out and protects the food inside.

Freeze drying keeps all the flavor of a home cooked meal and the beneficial nutrients inside the food. My family loves these meals and I know yours will too!

The bags are lightweight and durable – Perfect for camping, hiking, or bugging out quickly.

The Bunker Bucket is the ultimate stockpile - don't miss out!


Get all 100 servings for only $1.49 a serving! Click below to check availability and claim your free shipping! This offer will not be around for long! 

Emergency Food Is King

As you’re aware, food storage is essential to any prepper, but it can be costly. There are also many brands who overcharge based on what’s inside their products.

Valley Food Storage uses 100% all natural ingredients, no GMOs, with no fillers or added preservatives. You will also notice they do not use any artificial flavors, added colors, hydrogenated oils, or MSG’s. You know exactly what you’re getting with every bite.

We don’t want you to settle for anything less than top quality. 

Each recipe starts with the highest quality of ingredients, cooked to perfection, then tasted by our lead chefs in order to preserve our high standards.

Your meals started as creamy oats, delicious mac and cheese, and flavorful chicken teriyaki. All before being carefully preserved to keep all the nutrients and flavor inside. 

The final reason that makes Valley Food Storage freeze dried food king is that it is lighter than carrying dehydrated or canned food in your bug out bags. A real prepper knows every ounce counts – Don’t waste space and weight on flavorless foods lacking in essential nutrients.

The Packaging Is Superior

Valley Food Storage worked hard to perfect their preservation method to make sure their food lasts their customers 25+ years.

This process may take lots of time, technology, and man power, but if you have tasted their food – You know it is completely worth it!

From start to finish, the product is superior to any other freeze dried food I have ever tried (and I’ve tried a lot) 

My favorite part? Their lightweight space age packaging that keeps the food as fresh and flavorful as the day it was put in there. 

Their resealable bags are made of the same material NASA used to store their food in space! What’s not to like?

You’ll barely notice you’re carrying 5 whole days worth of food in your bug out bag or camping pack. It’s incredible technology like this that makes the first bite taste that much better.

The Power of Next Level Technology

Handy Resealable Bags

Strong Mylar Bags work as a wall to keep air, moisture, and light from harming your food.

Don't Sweat Expiration Dates

FDA approved 100cc oxygen absorbers pull any extra air out of the bag to keep the food fresh.

Freshness That Lasts Decades

Each bag is sealed to ensure it's airtight and the food’s freshness is preserved within.

This may sound like a lot of time, money, and effort. And it is! But this technology is the reason you can have a bright future even when SHTF!

Get all 100 servings for only $1.49 a servingClick below to check availability and claim your free shipping! This offer will not be around for long! 

When Disaster Strikes...

You’re going to want to ration your food and make it last as long as possible. 

The average woman can survive on at least 1,200 calories while men need 1,500 a day to remain healthy. [3]

FEMA recommends to “Try to include foods that your family will enjoy and that are also high in calories and nutrition.” [4]

This bucket is exactly what you need. High in calories and a whopping 100 SERVINGS! and we can guarantee our meals are absolutely delicious!

Don't Take Our Word For It

Dehydrating Isn't Worth It


New Camping Essential


Trust Me - You Need This Now


Early Bird Gets The Worm!

We’d like to guarantee every single American a start to their food storage supply but…

We can only offer this exclusive deal today – Plus we’re giving you the FREE Lifestraw and Lightweight Emergency Shelter Tent and Free Shipping and Handling straight from the heart of the USA! 

There are 1,000 bundles to give to those eager early birds that know a good deal when they see one. 

It’s so good you’ll have no idea you’re even eating space age food!

But know this… There are 10,000+ people who have received this offer. 

It will take weeks or even months for us to secure more than 1,000 bags of high quality Valley Food Storage food again. 

Take the first step towards your food storage goals today. You deserve the peace of mind!

What's The Problem?

Both FEMA and The Red Cross say it is essential to have nonperishables ready for emergency purposes. 

The problem is that not enough Americans have taken their futures into their own hands.

I know you won’t make that same mistake. Take your future by the reins and start your food storage supply today!

Affordable For Every American

Every American deserves a chance to prep for when SHTF! 

We take in mind the everyday blue collar citizens who may live paycheck to paycheck and want their dollar to last longer! 

Those hard working Americans deserve to prep as much as any other citizen in our great country.

For that reason…

You are only paying $1.49 per serving!

We can’t even take that number seriously! It is so low – but it is because we believe that Valley Food Storage deserves to be in every single person’s life who understands the magnitude of prepping. 

If that’s you, you’re in luck.

This 30% discount won’t last long! Remember we only have 1,000 at such a bargain rate!

Click the “Add To Cart” Button Below to claim your 100 day “Food for the end of the world” pack PLUS all your Free bonus gifts! 

We’d love to ship them to you entirely free today! Our warehouse manager is ready to throw them at the postal worker if it meant getting you your delicious food faster!

Get all 100 servings for only $1.49 a serving! Click below to check availability and claim your free shipping! This offer will not be around for long! 

CC SSL Shipping Block 3.png

Don’t forget about those free items everyone loves so much!

Fantastic Free Shelter!


Adventure Gone Bad
